Нужно сочинение на тему Einwanderung (Иммиграция)!!!
_______There are many reasons which make people leave their homes and move to other places. Economic reasons have always been among the main reasons for migration. Life in poverty and despair often forces people to search for a better life. The gap between the developed countries and the third world countries increases year by year, as a result people have move to industrialized countries in order to have stable earnings, better employment opportunities and higher standards of living. Many people migrate because of natural catastrophes. It is possible to mention the situation in Japan when natural disasters have forced thousands of people leave their native country in search for security. Some people change their place of living in search for political freedom; it can be migration towards political liberty and political rights or an escape from the governmental persecution. It also makes sense to name ethnic and religious reasons. Ethnic conflicts in some countries and religious intolerance often force people to look for a refuge in other countries. Wars and a high rate of criminality also induce people to change the countries they live in.
In general, it seems to me that migration is an endless process. People will change their places of living as long as there is an economic gap between developed and developing countries, as long as wars and ethnic conflicts exist, as long as people will suffer from famine and starvation, as long as religious persecution takes place in the world.
________I’m definitely sure that if the mankind wants to solve the problem of illegal immigration, it is necessary to solve the problems which cause migration. I’m definitely sure that as soon as we do it, the percentage of illegal immigration will decline by itself.