Предмет: Биология, автор: rvltynybekov

Размножение цветковых​


Автор ответа: sofia70707


Половое и вегетативное – два вида размножения покрытосеменных.

При вегетативном размножении новые организмы возникают за счёт регенерации вегетативных органов (лист, корень, побег). Все потомство будет идентично родителю.

В половом размножении участвует цветок. В нём при слиянии гамет образуется зигота, из которой впоследствии развивается зародыш нового растения.

Опыление – это процесс переноса пыльцы на рыльце пестика, который осуществляется с помощью ветра, воды, насекомых и некоторых других животных. В завязи пестика образуется зародыш, благо даря пыльце приземлившийся на этот пестик.

При двойном оплодотворении у покрытосеменных растений происходит образование следующих клеток:

  • первый спермий + яйцеклетка = зигота;
  • второй спермий + центральная клетка = эндосперм.

Зигота впоследствии делится и превращается в зародыш. Эндосперм служит для зародыша источником питательных веществ. Вместе, зародыш и эндосперм, образуют семя.

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Перевод текста: One Saturday morning in autumn, I went to see my friend Sherlock Holmes at his rooms in Baker Street. When I came, I saw that he already had a visitor. That was a very fat old man with very bright red hair and a red face. “This is very good that you have come, my dear Watson,” with these words Holmes turned to his visitor. “Doctor Watson has helped me in many of my cases, Mr Wilson, and I am sure that he will be very useful to us in this case too. Watson, this is Mr Jabez Wilson.” The fat gentleman got up from his chair to greet me.
Holmes saw that I was watching the old man and guessed my thoughts. “You are trying to be a detective, Watson!” he said. “Well, Mr Wilson’s appearance tells us about his past life. It’s clear that he has been a workman, that he has been writing a lot recently, and that he has been in China.”
Mr Wilson was very astonished. “How do you know, Mr Holmes, all these things? I didn’t tell you about them. You are right that I was a carpenter when I was young. But who told you?”
“Your hands prove it, Mr Wilson,” Holmes answered.” Your right hand is larger than your left one. You have worked with it, and so it is more developed.”
“But how do you know that I have been writing a lot recently?”
“It is very easy. I looked at your sleeves. Your right sleeve nearly wears out at the wrist, and the left sleeve nearly wears out at the bend of the arm. That means that your left arm and your right wrist have been rubbing on a desk. So you have been writing.”
“And how did you guess about China?”
“There is a tattoo of a pink fish on your right wrist. Only in China they do this kind of tattoo. I know it, Mr Wilson. I have studied tattoos: in fact, I have written a book about them. I also can see a Chinese coin on your watch chain. So it is not difficult to guess that you have been in China.”
Mr Wilson laughed loudly.
“It is really very easy.”
Предмет: Геометрия, автор: yulduzyulduz00