Most people do not take global warming seriously enough. Do you agree? Cтруктура: 3 предложения, что ты согласен, и 3 предложения что не согласен.
Nowadays, some people say that not everyone realises how important global warming is, while others disagree with the statement.
In my opinion, some people could be more serious about the issue. Firstly, I personally know a lot of people, who overuse light and water, buy a lot of things they do not need and litter outdoors. Secondly, nowadays almost everyone constantly uses cars and other means of transport. Thirdly, there are many businessmen who care only about profit and do not even try to make their factories eco-friendlier.
However, I realise that there also are people who take the problem seriously. Firstly, there are many activists trying to reduce the consequences of others' careless actions. Secondly, more and more people are becoming aware of the issue: people make social advertisements and talk about it at schools and universities. Thirdly, many people choose to boycott manufacturers who do not use eco-friendly methods.
All in all, I want to say that although there are people who do not take global warming seriously enough, I believe that most of us understand the importance of the issue and try to act responsibly.
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