SOS!Срочно!Терміново! Английский язык.Нужно решить сегодня!!!

1) Why did you leave this magazine on my table, Henry? — Because I wanted you to have a look at one article there.
2) Where did Alison meet Pete last Saturday? — She went to the new shopping centre to buy some clothes and met Pete there.
3) Did your brother win the competition last Friday? — No, he didn’t. He fell off the horse and injured his leg badly. The ambulance took him to hospital.
4) Who did Den buy the flowers for yesterday? — He bought them for Margaret. It was her birthday yesterday and she had a party.
5) Did Simon have a car accident yesterday? — Yes, he did. His car crashed into a tree. And how did you know about it? Who told you? — My neighbour. He was at the bus stop at that time and saw everything.
6) When Fred woke up yesterday morning, he found out that he was alone in the house. He took a shower and went to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee.
7) Why didn’t you let me know about the meeting? — Sorry, I didn’t have my notebook with me and didn’t remember your phone number.
8) Who sent you such a nice card, Polly? — Oh, I got it from Lucy last month. She was in Paris on her holidays and decided to write me about her trip.
9) What time did the shop assistants leave the department store yesterday? — Well, their working day finished a bit later yesterday so they left the store at about nine o’clock in the evening.
10) What was the weather like during your last trip to Australia? — Oh, it was terrible. It was cold and rainy and we didn’t leave the hotel for a few days. We even missed some excursions because of the weather.
Это задание на употребление времени Past Simple. В предложениях есть указание, что действие происходило/произошло в прошлом.
Указатели времени (слова-подсказки) в Past Simple:
yesterday (вчера), last Monday (в прошлый понедельник)/month (месяце)/week (неделе), two days (2 дня)/weeks ago (недели назад), in 1993 (в 1993), the other day (на днях).
Чтобы образовать Past Simple, необходимо употребить вторую форму глагола. У неправильных глаголов это форма из второго столбца (past simple) таблицы неправильных глаголов.
У правильных глаголов вторая форма образуется путем добавления окончания “-ed” к инфинитиву. Если глагол заканчивается на “e”, добавляется просто “d”. Если глагол заканчивается на букву “y”, то она заменяется на “i” перед окончанием “-ed”.
А чтобы составить вопрос или отрицание, нужно использовать вспомогательный глагол did.