Помогите пожалуйста срочно задание 3

2. she said she is going to Berlin soon
3. i thought that this film will be interesting
4. she said she cant help me/you because she have too much to do
5. i was told that Daniel has bought the tickets
6. she thought that it`s a stupid idea and, it wont work
7. he complained that he had terrible weather on holiday
8. They told me that they have never been to Croatia
9. They added that they want to go some day
3. He wondered why she is crying
4. He asked me if he can borrow my car
5. The customs offycer asked me where i came from
6. she wanted to know how long am i going to be at the gym
7. she asked us will we be back early
8. she asked me when do i have to go to work
9. she wanted to know how much does it cost to fly to NY