Предмет: Английский язык, автор: tchaliyserge


Нужно написать essay по английскому языку на тему "Using animals for food and/or clothes is wrong". Убедительно прошу не брать готовые варианты с интернета, так как учительница смотрела все готовые варианты. Спасибо.​

astadorian89: Большое эссе нужно? Какие темы (грамматика) проходишь сейчас? И в каком ты классе, чтобы не написать слишком заумный текст.
tchaliyserge: Эссе желательно большое, сейчас остановились на Permission, учусь в 9 классе
astadorian89: Большое - это понятие растяжимое. На 1 листе А4, с одной стороны? 10 предложений?
tchaliyserge: 1 лист а4
tchaliyserge: с одной стороны
astadorian89: Может, перебор. Если ты сам не можешь это прочитать и понять, попробуй что-то переписать самостоятельно. Используй переводчик.


Автор ответа: astadorian89

During 2020 because of COVID-19 40 thousand minks at Lithuanian farm were put down due to getting infected. They spread this disease to workers and among their own kind. If that number terrifies you, then you should know that there are 1,6 million minks in Lithuania alone being bred for the fur industry. There are many more countries with such farms. What purpose does it serve? Just one: expensive cloth. Mink fur coats are priced above at least 1000 dollars. This is a whim of people who want to live luxurious lives. And it costs our planet 5 times more CO2 emissions than faux fur production.

Speaking of CO2 emissions, I would like to move on from the initial topic. About 70% of Amazon forest were cut to convert the land into a pasture for cattle grazing. And it's not just cutting the trees which produce oxygen and sheltering wilidlife. Producing beef is the highest greenhouse gas source among any other food per 1 kg, lamb coming right after it. These forests are located in South America, Brazil, which is the largest exporter of beef. The largest importers are Russia and China, which brings the next issue - emissions from transportation around the world. The demand grows with each year, as grows the population.

These days consious consumption becomes more popular due to many reasons. Global organizations are standing united to reduce deforestation. Brazil is creating incentives for producers to maintain forest reserves. However, illegal businesses still exist.

CO2 emissions cause our global temperature to grow. With each year the number grows. If we are to pass 2 degrees, humanity will face inevitable crisis: crop failures, disease spread and rising poverty are just some of the possible challenges we will have to face.

In my opinion, "wrong" is a strong word, but it fits the cruel context of using animals for food or clothes. I would like to add some cosmetics, household chemicals producers, circuses and zoos to this list. But I think a more fitting word would be "unethical". Producing meat in such way to feed the people around the world is a noble cause, and the old methods are understandably simple. They cost less than developing an entire process of making synthetic meat, especially in less developed countries. There is no simple solution to this problem, but we see as it is being resolved.

One day I will join those who are solving this problem to make my contribution.

tchaliyserge: Огромное тебе спасибо!
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