1 и 2 задание, решите пожалуйста.
Задание 1.
Слова в рамке:
- 1) badgane —> bandage
- 2) sairpn —> sprain
- 3) claf —> calf
- 4) snpie —> spine
- 5) brun —> burn
- 6) caerm —> cream
- 7) neelobsed —> nosebleed
- 8) kedniy —> kidney
- 9) bsruie —> bruise
- 10) acibintotis —> antibiotics
- 11) mniedice —> medicine
- 12) tbuhm —> thumb
Заполненная таблица прикреплена файлом.
Задание 2.
Краткие ответы:
- 1) twisted
- 2) ankle
- 3) painkillers
- 4) broke
- 5) wrist
- 6) eye
- 7) banged
- 8) nosebleed
Jade: Hi, Paddy. Why weren't you at school today?
Paddy: I was in hospital!
Jade: Oh no! What happened?
Paddy: I fell off my bike at the weekend and 1) twisted my 2) ancle (to twist an ankle — подвернуть лодыжку). So I went to the doctor this morning. He gave me some 3) painkillers (painkillers — обезболивающие) and told me to go home and rest.
Jade: OK. So why were you in hospital?
Paddy: Because I tripped on the steps when I was leaving the doctor's surgery and 4) broke my 5) wrist! (to break a wrist — сломать запястье)
Ned: Have you seen Martin? He's got a black 6) eye. (a black eye — синяк под глазом)
Isobel: Really? How did he do that?
Ned: He was doing karate with Dave yesterday evening and Dave fell onto the floor, 7) banged his head (to bange a head — проломить голову) and then had a really bad 8) nosebleed (nosebleed — носовое кровотечение). There was blood all over the floor.
Isobel: What a disaster!