напишите предложения переведите в страдательном залоге, СРОЧНОО НАДО, ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА
1. A lot of old songs ____________ on the radio last week (PLAY)
2. The President ________about the coup in Central America(JUST INFORM)
3. If i________ you I wouldn't go to the meeting (BE)
4. The bank manager told me that the house_______for (NOT PAY)
5. I__________the guitar since I was in nursery school (PLAY)
6. Margie is was happy because she ________ an engagement ring from her boyfriend (JUST RECEIVE)
7. I_______after the children while the garage__________(LOOK,REPAIR)
8. When Jane came to the office, she found out that her boss_________(ALREADY LEAVE)
9. Please don't interrupt us. We_____an important conversation (HAVE)
10. I reported the police that my stamp collection______the week before(STEAL)
11. A short time after the pedestrian _______________________ by the car the ambulance ____________________ . (HIT, ARRIVE)
12.When Mr Kennel entered the room, emails ________________________ by his assistants. (TYPE) 13.Dad ________________________ for over three weeks. (NOT SMOKE)
14.He normally ____________________ up on his own but yesterday he ____________________ by his mom. (WAKE, WAKE)
15.They usually ____________________ visitors at the hospital. (NOT ALLOW)
16.All the houses in our street _______________________ every year during the Christmas season. (DECORATE)
17.India _______________________ independence in 1947. (GRANT)
18.They _______________________ in southern Italy since the end of the war. (LIVE)
19.I ______________________ a car by the garage so that I could drive home. (GIVE)
20.Tom's father is an excellent athlete. He ____________________ some sort of sport every day. (DO)
1. A lot of old songs were played on the radio last week. (PLAY) - Past Simple passive (действие произошло на прошлой неделе)
2. The President has just been informed about the coup in Central America. (JUST INFORM) - Present Perfect Passive (есть подсказка - слово just)
3. If I were you, I wouldn't go to the meeting. (BE) - условное II типа: нереальная ситуация, относится к настоящему или будущему
4. The bank manager told me that the house hadn't been paid for. (NOT PAY) - за дом не заплатили раньше, чем об этом сказал работник банка
5. I have been playing the guitar since I was in nursery school. (PLAY) - до сих пор играю (=умею играть)
6. Margie is happy because she has just received an engagement ring from her boyfriend. (JUST RECEIVE) - Present Perfect Passive (есть подсказка - слово just)
7. I was looking after the children while the garage was being repaired.(LOOK,REPAIR) - два одновременных действия в прошлом
8. When Jane came to the office, she found out that her boss had already left. (ALREADY LEAVE) - босс ушёл раньше => Past Perfect
9. Please don't interrupt us. We are having an important conversation. (HAVE) - разговор у нас сейчас, поэтому используется Present Contonuious
10. I reported the police that my stamp collection had been stolen the week before. (STEAL) - коллекция была украдена раньше
11. A short time after the pedestrian had been hit by the car the ambulance arrived. (HIT, ARRIVE) - past perfect используется для действия, которое произошло раньше
12. When Mr Kennel entered the room, emails were being typed by his assistants. (TYPE) - письма печатали, когда она вошёл.
13. Dad hasn't smoked for over three weeks. (NOT SMOKE) - Отец не курит уже больше трёх недель = бросил курить
14. He normally wakes up on his own but yesterday he was woken by his mom. (WAKE, WAKE) - обычное, регулярное действие в Present Simple и однократное действие в прошлом - Past Simple
15. They usually don't allow visitors at the hospital. (NOT ALLOW) - Present Simple - регулярное действие
16. All the houses in our street are decorated every year during the Christmas season. (DECORATE) - Present Simple passive - регулярное действие + пассив
17. India was granted independence in 1947. (GRANT) + past simple passive
18. They have been living in southern Italy since the end of the war. (LIVE) - живут там до сих пор - Present Perfect Continuous
19. I was given a car by the garage so that I could drive home. (GIVE) - past simple passive
20. Tom's father is an excellent athlete. He does some sort of sport every day. (DO) - регулярное действие в настоящем - present simple
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