Предмет: Українська мова, автор: yabylka3

Вправа-дослідження. Перепишіть речення та підкресліть прийменники

• 1. Край дороги гне тополю до самого долу. (Т.Шевченко) • 2. Мені миліший над усе мій рідний край. • 3. Вона сиділа під холодним протягом. • 4. Протягом дня в Одесі було сонячно. • 5. Друзі йшли один одному назустріч. • 6. Назустріч дівчатам йшли однокласники.​


Автор ответа: annamurga2013


1 до; 2-; 3 під; 4в; 5-; 6-.

Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Typitsaa
хелп миииии!!!! Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на пассивный залог.
1. English is a widespread language. It is spoken all over the world.
2. It’s a very good dictionary. It was bought last week.
3. He will be sent on business next week.
4. The book is much spoken about.
5. This course is designed to give students the basics of computing.
6. The bill was debated in the House of Commons.
7. He has been selected as a candidate in the next election.
8. Spanish is not taught at our University.
9. A new hostel will be built in a year.
10. All the exams were passed successfully in January.
Упражнение 9. Измените предложения, используя пассивный
залог. Переведите полученные предложения.
Model. The city government has built a new stadium.
A new stadium has been built by the city government.
1. This country exports gas and oil.
2. They will open a new hospital next year.
3. They don’t use this building any more.
4. The government gives grants to bright students.
5. Students have passed all the exams successfully.
6. Parliament passes laws.
7. Post-graduate students do scientific research.
8. Experienced teachers give lectures.
9. The Atlantic Ocean washes the western coast of Great Britain.
10. I’ve already passed all the exams.
Упражнение 10. Раскройте скобки, выбирая нужную форму
глагола. Переведите предложения.
1. Laws (make, are made) by the Parliament.
2. The Prime Minister (has formed, has been formed) a new
3. Books (are borrowed, borrow) in the library.
4. They (are taken, take) a bus when they go to work 15
5. A new bill (introduced, was introduced) in the House of Commons.
6. Tomorrow he will (drive, be driven) them to Cambridge.
7. The manager will (send, be sent) on business next month.
8. The government (controls, is controlled) the work of ministries.
9. His new book will (publish, be published) next month.
10. He will (publish, be published) his book next month.