II. Complete the sentences with the correct word: download, affects, broadcast, advice,
connect, instructions, breaking, timetable, temper, presenter, chat.
1. Have you thought of asking your teacher for ...?
2. Have you read the ... before setting up your computer?
3. TV networks should ... more educational programs for children. There's too much junk on
TV nowadays.
4. Multi-tasking... how you learn in a negative way.
5. At the start of the year, all the students are given a ....
6 In order to
... to the Internet you need a modem and a working telephone line,
7. It's taking you years to this file,
8 When the ... started asking the actress personal questions, she threatened to leave in the
middle of the show,
9. When John saw the broken window, he lost his ...
10 The TV station interrupted its regular program to give the .., news of a hurricane
approaching the country,
1. Have you thought of asking your teacher for advice?
2. Have you read the instructions before setting up your computer?
3. TV networks should broadcast more educational programs for children. There's too much junk on TV nowadays.
4. Multi-tasking affects how you learn in a negative way.
5. At the start of the year, all the students are given a timetable.
6 In order to connect to the Internet you need a modem and a working telephone line.
7. It's taking you years to download this file.
8 When the presenter started asking the actress personal questions, she threatened to leave in the middle of the show.
9. When John saw the broken window, he lost his temper.
10 The TV station interrupted its regular program to give the breaking news of a hurricane approaching the country.
1. Думал ли ты спросить совета у своего учителя?
2. Читал ли ты инструкции перед настройкой компьютера?
3. Телесети должны транслировать больше образовательных программ для детей. Сейчас слишком много хлама по телевизору.
4. Многозадачность отрицательно влияет на то, как вы учитесь.
5. В начале года всем студентам выдается расписание.
6 Для подключения к Интернету вам нужен модем и работающая телефонная линия.
7. Уйдут годы, чтобы скачать этот файл.
8 Когда ведущий начал задавать актрисе личные вопросы, она пригрозила уйти посреди шоу.
9. Когда Джон увидел разбитое окно, он вышел из себя.
10 Телеканал прервал свою обычную программу, чтобы сообщить последние новости об урагане, приближающемся к стране.