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А.Просит совета чтобы похудеть
В.Даёт совет что нужно делать.
С фразами и словами.

-Hi, I need your help.
-as the coach, asks a lot of money for his golden advice...
-- Hi, Whats wrong, Rita?
- I want to lose weight.
- What Should I do?
-- If I were you, I`d ran
-- you can see for yourself
-Thank you so much, I hope to improve myself with this
-could you give me some advice
- What about the jumps?
-- that's a good idea, but try to run more to lose a lot of weight
-- and then the level of physical fitness will be tremendous
--Also, if you want to have a lot of energy, I advise you to drink --- regular carbonated water.
- that's a good idea
- Thank you so much for the advice, I will follow the norms.
Там где одна полосочка, эта женщина просит советы у про
а там де две полосочки, там про говорит что нужно делать женщине что бы она похудела.