FILE FOR PROJECT 1 Do a questionnaire to make it clear what means of transport is: • the fastest . the most comfortable • the most pleasant • the best way to learn more interesting things • the most boring way of travelling the best way to enjoy natural scenes. Interview your classmates (friends / relatives). Add the questions you like. Analyze the results of the interview and give a report to the class. I interviewed ... people. Most (many, some, ...) people think that the .... were not mentioned as ...
Написати Лист для друга про якусь тіпа подоріж транспорт. Кароче я нічого не поняла, я там написала що треба зробити поможіть пж
Вообщем... вот рассказ о путешествии
Dear Mike,
Thank you for your letter. Great to hear from you. I miss you a lot. It`s so nice to get news about you.
I am glad you are OK
You ask me to tell you about my winter holiday. Well, on the fourth of January I went on a trip to Estonia with my family. We visited some very interesting towns there, saw New Year decorations and holiday illumination in the streets. We ate some national dishes in Estonia. I also met interesting people during my trip and made friends with some of them. During our excursions around Tallin and other cities where we visited museums and various landmarks, I took many interesting photos. I'm going to send some of them to you over the internet. In short, we had a good rest and I liked my trip very much.
I hope my letter will be useful for you. And what do you think about it? Actually, I’d better go now as I have to study for my exams. I am waiting for your answer. My best regards to your parents.
Keep in touch,