Fill in the blanks in the paragraph using the words given below.
kingdom / values / traditions / character / mentality / language / identity / culture / stereotypes / heritage / self-determination / territory / symbols / commitment / nation
The national 1) of thinking, and 4) is a set of stable spiritual 2) habits, 3) which are typical for a particular 5) of behaviour, way A nation is a community constituted by shared belief and mutual 6) , extended in history, active in 7) connected to a particular 8) _, and marked off from other communities by its distinct public 9)\ Ukraine is a self-contained state that has its national emblem, flag, and anthem. The history of Ukrainian nationality can be traced back to the Kiev-based 10) of Kyiv Rus' of the 9th to 12th centuries. National identity arises from personal 11) shared with others on the basis of a common 12)\ , cultural and family 13)\ , religion, and historical and mythical 14) _. There is a lively review of these elements in contemporary Ukraine in a new stage of 15) development.
1. mentality
2. values
3. stereotypes
4. symbols
5. nation
6. commitment
7. character
8. territory
9. culture
10. kingdom
11. self-determination
12. language
13. traditions
14. heritage
15. identity
The national mentality is a set of stable spiritual values, habits, stereotypes of behaviour, way of thinking, and symbols which are typical for a particular nation.
A nation is a community constituted by shared belief and mutual commitment, extended in history, active in character, connected to a particular territory, and marked off from other communities by its distinct public culture.
Ukraine is a self-contained state that has its national emblem, flag, and anthem. The history of Ukrainian nationality can be traced back to the Kiev-based kingdom of Kyiv Rus' of the 9th to 12th centuries.
National identity arises from personal self-determination shared with others on the basis of a common language, cultural and family traditions, religion, and historical and mythical heritage . There is a lively review of these elements in contemporary Ukraine in a new stage of identity development.
Национальный менталитет — это совокупность устойчивых духовных ценностей, привычек, стереотипов поведения, образа мыслей, символов, характерных для данного народа.
Нация — это сообщество, состоящее из общих убеждений и взаимных обязательств, имеющее протяжённую историю, активное по своему характеру, связанное с определённой территорией и отличающееся от других сообществ своей особой общественной культурой.
Украина — самостоятельное государство, имеющее свой национальный герб, флаг и гимн. Историю украинской национальности можно проследить до Киевской Руси 9–12 веков — княжества со столицей в Киеве.
Национальная идентичность возникает из личного самоопределения, разделяемого с другими на основе общего языка, культурных и семейных традиций, религии, историко-мифологического наследия. Живой пересмотр этих элементов происходит в современной Украине на новом этапе развития идентичности.