написать эссе на тему мой любимый писатель, на английском языке, помогите пожалуйста
My favourite writer is William Shakespeare. It is one of the greatest and famous writers of the world. Many people know and like his works.
Shakespeare wrote thirty seven plays. He cooperated with the best English theatres during twenty five years. His best and the most famous plays are "Othello", "King Lear", "Hamlet". My favorite is "Romeo and Juliet". It is great story about love. I like reread this play when I have free time.
Besides plays Shakespeare wrote a lot of poetry, which is translated into many languages and is well-known throughout the world. I know some of them by heart and I think they are beautiful. Also, I would like to learn them in original.
To sum up, I want to say that Shakespeare is the greatest writer of the world!