This is quite a common disease and every now and then one hears of someone who has jaundice. The disease is acquired by drinking, or eating anything contaminated by the hepatitis virus, which is passed in the infected person's stool.
The presence of hepatitis is a pointer to the inadequate arrangements of safe water supply and sewage disposal in a locality. The virus is very resistant and even boiling does not destroy it.
There is fever, loss of appetite, vomiting and pain in the upper abdomen. Loss of appetite and a feeling of being ill is out of proportion of the fever. Even the smell or sight of food may make the person sick. In 4-5 days the urine becomes dark in colour, and later the eyes and skin become yellow. Gradually, the appetite returns and the fever comes down.
The child should remain in bed as long as he has fever and feels ill. Once his appetite returns he can play about in the house, but should not go to nursery school till jaundice has disappeared and he feels quite well. In the acute stage, the child should be encouraged to drink sweet drinks such as orange juice. Sugarcane juice is excellent. Sugar is good for recovery of the liver. As the appetite returns, ordinary household food can be given, but you should cut down on butter, oil, fried food.
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Hepatitis is quite a common disease. It is often caused by the inadequate arrangements of safe water supply and sewage disposal in a locality. The symptoms include fever, loss of appetite, vomiting and pain in the upper abdomen. In 4-5 days the urine becomes dark in colour, and later the eyes and skin become yellow. Gradually, the appetite returns and the fever comes down. The sick child should keep his bed until he has completely recovered, drink sweet drinks and cut down on butter, oil and fried food.
Гепатит — достаточно распространённое заболевание. Зачастую его причиной является неадекватная организация безопасного водоснабжения и канализации в населённом пункте. Симптомы включают лихорадку, потерю аппетита, рвоту и боль в верхней части живота. Через 4–5 дней моча становится тёмной, а позже желтеют глаза и кожа. Постепенно аппетит возвращается, а температура спадает. Больному ребенку следует придерживаться постельного режима до полного выздоровления, пить сладкие напитки и сократить потребление масел животного и растительного происхождения, а также жареной пищи.