Предмет: Химия, автор: Аноним

СРОЧНО!!! Пожалуйста помогите!!!

1. Скільки грамів літію буде прореагувати з хлоридною кислотою, якщо утворюється літій хлорид масою 23 г


Автор ответа: fkjfjfjff

2Li + 2HCl = 2LiCl + H2

m(LiCl) = 23 г

m(Li) - ?


1) μ(LiCl) = μ(Li) = 23 г / 42,5 г/моль = 0,54 моль

2) m(Li) = 7 г/моль * 0,54 моль = 3,78 г

Ответ: 3,78 г

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Предмет: Русский язык, автор: elnaraamzaeva
Перепишите расставляя знаки препинания и подчеркните главные и второстепенные члены предложения, подпишите чем выражены: К вечеру собралась гроза. Одарила любовь меня (в)начале встреч...й(надеждой) а затем ра...ставанием (мукой). Сильный прерывистый ветер клубами гнал с моря туман. Берез веселых хоровод шумя встречает нас поклоном. Тучи ни..ко ползли над землею (на)половину окутывая горы. В небе одиноко краснеет звезда. Словно ветер летели олени закинув рога на спину. Уже при жизни поэт-трибун Махамбет снискал народную славу. Красное солнце опускалось медленно за горизонт окрашивая (пол)неба в розовый цвет. Туман ползет вверх сливаясь с быстро несущимися тучами. Белые м..хнатые тучки быстро бежали от снеговых гор об..щая грозу. А вверху без конца и перерыва т..нул лесной шум точно смутные вздохи старого бора. На крышу палатки с хвои будто слезы падали крупные капли влаги.
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: vil929
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5 - 9 классыАнглийский язык 5 баллов

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1. They came from Scandinavia. Their age lasted from about AD 800 to AD 1100. Originally they were farmers but fearlessly crossed the seas in swift sailing ships. They raided the coasts of England, braved the Atlantic Ocean to explore Greenland and North America. They traded as far as the east of Russia and Constantinople. They had their own laws and a parliament. They were skilled artists and poets.
2. These people come from a city-state in Ancient Greece. At some point in history this state became highly militarized and authoritarian. All citizens had to go through a training programme from the age of seven onwards. Gradually their state became the most powerful in Greece, a centre for soldiers and the military arts. They warred with Athens and won a victory over it. These people are supposed to have been simple, severe, without any attention to comfort.They say that these people practised killing weak boys who were not fit to be soldiers by throwing them off the rock.
3. These people were grouped into tribes that shared the same language and culture. They were governed by meetings of elders. Tribes were always ready to fight each other. War called for indevidual leadership. In some areas the tribes gathered into more permanent confederations under the rule of chiefs. Some time ago these people were often seen as cruel and ruthless but nowadays this point of view is not very popular. These people suffered greatly from European settles. On some territories they were forced to leave their lands and to live on reservations.