Предмет: Русский язык, автор: pelmenik37kiril

Морфологический разбор слов: земляника,душистой


Автор ответа: NugzarYT
1.землянка — имя существительное. 2.Начальная форма: землянка (именительный падеж единственного числа); 3Постоянные признаки: нарицательное, неодушевлённое, женский род, 1-е склонение; 4.Непостоянные признаки: именительный падеж, единственное число.

1.душистой. 2.Начальная форма: душистый (именительный падеж единственного числа мужского рода); 3.Постоянные признаки: качественное; 4. Непостоянные признаки: единственное число, родительный падеж, женский род, полная форма
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Нужен перевод текста срочно прям сейчас Our world of technology and invention, are developing rapidly. We have instant access to information from around the globe. Advances in modern medicine have neutralized the dangerous disease. You can go a long way in a few hours or even get into space. All this is possible thanks to the invention and the desire of people.But many of today's inventions was a modest beginning. Discovery of ancient times, became the source of modern inventions. Why invention becomes really important?Important elegant invention and their impact is huge. They do not just solve the problem taken separately, they open up the possibility of implementing many of the ideas. They open up new possibilities lektrichestvoSuch inventions as the wheel, often born by chance that people searching for solutions to their everyday problems. But the invention of electricity was the result of scientific research.Scholars of ancient Greece knew that if you rub amber, in Greek "electron", obtained a magnetic force that attracts birds feathers. They believed amber toy and did not know how to use it.Only 200 years ago, scientists have understood how electricity can be used. Widely known for the case of Benjamin Franklin, who in 1752 launched a kite during a thunderstorm. He saw that the ropes stood vertically. When he touched the metal key, I got an electric shock. This was proof that the clouds contain electricity.Franklin wrote in his journal, "Richard's Almanac unfortunate" that the installation of lightning conductor can protect the house from the storm. Moreover, the electric charge will strike grounded metal rod rather than a building.When American homes began installing lightning rods, the priests began to vigorously protest, claiming that the thunder of God expresses anger and can not communicate with him.