Сочинение kind man (срочно, даю 50б)
"Kind men"
I think, every person naturally has some talent, but not everybody can become outstanding. Outstanding person is that who made something superior, excellent, better than others or broke through.
When I hear the combination “kind men”, the Steve Jobs portray, the American creator of the first personal computer, arises in my imagination. He proved on his example in order to be outstanding one should be not only smart and talented but have to be enterprising, to work hard, to risk and the key point to love what you do.
He began his business in the parental garage together with the friends. But in the course of time their small gamble turned to a large business, their invention became highly popular and demanded.
The whole life he worked hard, put his back in different projects but not always everything was magnificent and great. There were some big failures in his life and even close one betrayal but he didn’t give up. When a person loses everything and starts from the very beginning, continues to fight for his favorite work, he deserves respect.
Nowadays many people know the name of famous Steve Jobs, the man who presented to the world tablet, IPhone, and studio of animation Pixar. The image of person in scruffy jeans and black roll-neck is known in many countries. Sometimes he is called “father of digital evolution”, his presentations were like a show. Generally he left a mark in the human history.