1. Ресторан напротив театра больше, чем кафе через дорогу.
2. Детская площадка за моим домом меньше, чем детская площадка напртив школы.
3. Австралия жарче, чем Аргентина, а Канада самая холодная.
4. Нью Йорк холоднее, чем Лондон, а Париж самый теплый.
5. Математика скучнее, чем история, а рисование самое интересное.
6. Птицы умнее, чем рептилии, а млекопитающие самые умные.
7. Вомбаты милее, чем крокодилы.
8. Коалы смешнее, чем кенгуру.
9. Пингвины толще, чем курицы.
10. Жирафы выше, чем слоны.
1. The restaurant opposite the theater is bigger than the cafe across the street.
2. The playground behind my house is smaller than the playground opposite the school.
3. Australia is hotter than Argentina, and Canada is the coldest.
4. New York is colder than London, and Paris is the warmest.
5. Math is more boring than history, and drawing is the most interesting.
6. Birds are smarter than reptiles, and mammals are the smartest.
7. Wombats are cuter than crocodiles.
8. Koalas are funnier than kangaroos.
9. Penguins are thicker than chickens.
10. Giraffes are taller than elephants.
1. The restaurant opposite the theater is bigger than the cafe across the street.
2. The playground behind my house is smaller than the playground across from the school.
3. Australia is hotter than Argentina and Canada is the coldest.
4. New York is colder than London, and Paris is the warmest.
5. Math is more boring than history, but drawing is the most interesting.
6. Birds are smarter than reptiles, and mammals are the smartest.
7. Wombats are cuter than crocodiles.
8. Koalas are funnier than kangaroos.
9. Penguins are fatter than chickens.
10. Giraffes are taller than elephants.