Помогите, пожалуйста. Написать эссе про любимую знаменитость. Напишите, пожалуйста, про Чарли Чаплина)

More than a century has passed since the famous silent film actor Charlie Chaplin conquered the world with his talent. He wanted to be a tragedian, but he became the greatest comedian. And there is nothing surprising in this. It was laughter that helped him survive difficulties, stay true to his dream and become famous all over the world. On the eve of the holiday of humor - April 1 - let's talk about one of the most brilliant comedians of all time. Chaplin began to act actively and became a rising movie star. The young actor tried to bring novelty to films. He considered the former and rather rough style of comedies a relic of the past. Success inspired him and brought the first big money. Soon Chaplin "grew" out of the role of the Tramp, this happened in almost one year. He decided to expand the boundaries of his creative possibilities. In 1919, Chaplin created his own studio and began to produce short films. In 1921, he made his most famous feature film, The Kid, about the adventures of a beggar tramp and a little foundling.