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по англиски пожалуйста
My favorite toy is an owl, it is very soft and comfortable to hug. I didn’t give the owl a name as a child because I couldn’t come up with something of my own. In any cartoon, a child hugs his toy when I really liked cartoons and I often repeated them. This toy was bought to me at the age of 5, I was very happy for as long as I can remember. I did not let go of the toy from my hands, its strange coloring made it even more beautiful. The feathers and face of the owl were blue and the tips of the neon pink feathers were yellow in some places. The toy was sent by my aunt. I was very grateful to my aunt as a child, as I am now. When I fell on the street and came with broken knees, my mother smeared my leg with food and gave this toy, I didn’t feel how my knee hissed, I was busyby examining the owl, the goat seemed to be becoming even more beautiful.
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