Kate was talking to Mike. What did Kate ask
Mike? Retell her words using reported speech:
6)Go to school immediately!
7)Don’t open the window!
8)Are you going to school now?
9)Do you go to school every day?
10)Did you go to school yesterday?
11)Have you gone to school yet?
12)Will you go to school tomorrow?
13)Where are you going?
14)How often do you go to school?
15)When did you go there?
16)With whom didhave you seen this film?
17)Why will you go there?
6) She asked him to go to school immediately.
7) She asked him not to open the window.
8) She asked him if he was going to school then.
9 )She asked him if he went to school every day.
10) She asked him if he had gone to school the day before yesterday.
11) She asked him if he had gone to school yet.
12) She asked him if he would go to school the next day.
13) She asked him where he was going.
14) She asked him how often he went to school.
15) She asked him when he had gone there.
16) She asked him with whom he had seen that film.
17) She asked him why he would go there.
• Если в главном предложении глагол, вводящий прямую речь, стоит в одном из прошедших времен, то в косвенной речи в придаточном предложении глагол изменяется в соответствиями с правилами согласования времен, то есть принимает соответствующую форму прошедшего времени. То есть если в прямой речи было Present Simple, время меняется на Past Simple; если было Present Perfect, меняется на Past Perfect; если Present Continuous, меняется на Past Continuous. Если же в прямой речи было будущее время, оно меняется с помощью глагола would на соответствующую форму «будущее в прошедшем» (Future in the Past).
• Личное местоимение меняются по смыслу.