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What would you do if your teacher said you could either stay to have your …(0)..lessonor you could go home? Well, just imagine a school where attendance wasn’t(1) at all! In Sufolk, in the United Kingdom, that school …(2)… .Summerhill School was founded in 1921 by a man called A.S. Neill. Neill was …(3)…of the kinds of problems many children have at school and he believed that the onlysolution was to give …(4)… complete freedom.Children at Summerhill are under no …(5)… at all to attend lessons. Most of them do,…(6)… . Often, they come from schools at …(7)… they were unhappy and …(8)… todo any work at all. After a while, though, they settle down and usually decide thatattending lessons is more interesting.The other unusual thing about Summerhill is the weekly meeting. All teachers andstudents decide the school rules democratically, with one …(9)… each. If a studentwants to …(10)… about a teacher or a teacher wants to tell everyone about astudent’s bad behaviour, they can do so in the meeting.Life at Summerhill is full of all kinds of challenges, but most of the people there agreethat it’s a very special place.
0 A subject В work C lesson D timetable
1 A
C needed D forced
2 A is В runs C exists D opens
3 A
concentrated C expert D aware
4 A them В these C those D their
5 A stress В rules C pressure D control
6 A although В however C yet D despite
7 A that В there C where D which
8 A refuse В object C deny D oppose
9 A choice В vote C count D decision
10 A refer В mention C discuss D complain
What would you do if your teacher said you could either stay to have your …(0)..lesson or you could go home? Well, just imagine a school where attendance wasn’t (1) at all! In Sufolk, in the United Kingdom, that school …(2)… .Summerhill School was founded in 1921 by a man called A.S. Neill. Neill was …(3)…of the kinds of problems many children have at school and he believed that the only solution was to give …(4)… complete freedom. Children at Summerhill are under no …(5)… at all to attend lessons. Most of them do,…(6)… . Often, they come from schools at …(7)… they were unhappy and …(8)… to do any work at all. After a while, though, they settle down and usually decide that attending lessons is more interesting. The other unusual thing about Summerhill is the weekly meeting. All teachers and students decide the school rules democratically, with one …(9)… each. If a student wants to …(10)… about a teacher or a teacher wants to tell everyone about a student’s bad behaviour, they can do so in the meeting. Life at Summerhill is full of all kinds of challenges, but most of the people there agreethat it’s a very special place.
0 C lesson 1 В compulsory 2 C exists 3 D aware 4 A them 5 C pressure 6 В however 7 D which 8 A refuse 9 В vote 10 D complain