I. Read the text. HOW THE SANDWICH CAME TO THE WORLD In 1762 there was a famous English politician. Everybody knew about him because he enjoyed playing cards very much. One night he stayed at the card table for 24 hours, and he ate nothing but slice of bread with pieces of meat inside. His name was John Sandwich. The English name for a sandwich comes from this man. Sandwiches were great favoutites in Victorian England. It was the custom to "take" afternoon tea at about four o'clock, and many rich families ate sandwiches at this time. Cucumber sandwiches were very popular. The servants always cut the edges of the bread, so the sandwiches were very small and delicate. Sandwiches are less elegant now and often much bigger. The English eat millions of sandwiches every day. They are a typical “snack” meat because they are easy and quick to prepare. You can buy sandwiches if you don't want to make them yourself. There are thousands of "sandwich bars” and cafes and even some restaurants that sell them
. II. Answer the questions.
1) Who invented sandwiches? 2) What was this person? 3) Why did he use sandwiches? 4) What custom was in 19th century in England? 5) What is the difference between Victorian English and modern English sandwiches? 6) Are sandwiches popular in Britain? 7) Do you like sandwiches? Why?
1 Sandwiches were intended by and named after John Sandwich.
2 He was a politician and a card games player.
3 He used sandwiches because he was hungry and ate slices of bread with pieces of meat inside while he was playing.
4 In the 19th century in England people took afternoon tea at about four o'clock and ate sandwiches.
5 In the past, sandwiches were smaller and more elegant than today's ones.
6 Yes, they are. They're a typical snack and the English eat millions of sandwiches every day, and make up "sandwich bars”, cafes and restaurants.
7. I love eating sandwiches because they are easy and fast to cook, nutritious and various: with sausages, cheese, chicken, vegetables and even fruit. I eat them every morning so that they make my day ;)
1 Бутерброды (сендвичи) были придуманы Джоном Сендвичем и названы в его честь.
2 Он был политиком и игроком в карты.
3 Он использовал бутерброды, потому что был голоден, и пока он играл, он ел ломтики хлеба с кусочками мяса внутри.
4 В 19 веке в Англии люди после обеда, около около четырех часов, пили чай и ели бутерброды.
5 В прошлом бутерброды были меньше и элегантнее, чем сегодняшние.
6 Да, это так. Это типичная закуска, и англичане съедают миллионы сэндвичей каждый день и создают "сэндвич-бары”, кафе и рестораны.
7. Я люблю есть бутерброды, потому что они легко и быстро готовятся, питательны и разнообразны: с сосисками, сыром, курицей, овощами и даже фруктами. Я ем их каждое утро, и они делают мой день.