СРОЧНО ПОМОГИТЕ ДАЮ 30 БАЛЛОВ!!!!! пересказать в 4-7 предложениях в косвенной речи
1 There was a famous professor of mathematics and physics who had a very bad memory.
2 One day, a scientists club asked him to give a lecture for their club members.
3 After the invitation, he was ready to give a speech and left his house but soon he realised that he had forgotten the key.
5 He said that it was luck that his wife was at home, and he returned back.
6 However, his wife mistook him for another man and said that the professor wasn't at home.
7 In the end, the professor thought that he had come to the scientists club, said that he would come another time, and went away.
1 Жил-был известный профессор математики и физики, у которого была очень плохая память.
2 Однажды клуб ученых попросил его прочитать лекцию для участников клуба.
3 После приглашения он был готов выступить с речью и вышел из дома, но вскоре понял, что забыл ключ.
5 Он сказал, что ему повезло, что его жена была дома, и вернулся обратно.
6 Однако жена приняла его за другого мужчину и сказала, что профессора нет дома.
7 В конце профессор подумал, что пришел в клуб ученых, сказал, что придет в другой раз, и ушел.
A famous professor who was a good specialist in Maths and Physics had a very bad memory and often forgot very simple things One evening, a scientists club invited him to give a lecture for their club members. When he left the house he forgot to take his key with him.and he didn't notice it until he was on his way home. But he thought that his wife was at home. It was dark and when his wife looked at him from the window she couldn't see who was standing and she said the professor wasn't at home. The professor didn't remember that he was standing in front of his house. He said that he was sorry, he would come another time.