Предмет: Українська мова, автор: sofiaserbina24

Провідміняйте числівник 1296 будь ласочка


Автор ответа: Alan1878

Називний: тисяча двісті дев’яносто шість

Родовий: тисячі двохсот дев’яноста шести (шістьох)

Давальний: тисячі двомстам дев’яноста шести (шістьом)

Знахідний: тисячі двомстам дев’яноста шести (шістьом)

Орудний: тисячею двомастами дев’яноста шістьма (шістьома)

Місцевий: на/у тисячі двохстах дев’яноста шести (шістьох)

sofiaserbina24: Дякую!
Alan1878: Будь ласка
Автор ответа: vlada1654


Н.в. Тисяча двісті дев'яносто шість

Р.в. Тисячу двісті дев'яносто шостого

Д.в. Тисячу двісті дев'яносто шостому

Зн.в. Тисячу двісті дев'яносто шостого

Ор.в. Тисячею двісті дев'яностим шостим

М.в. на Тисячу двісті дев'яностому шостому

Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Русский язык, автор: makarowtolya197
Есть тысячи причин, по которым человек живет или стремится жить в городе. Но, окружая себя камнем и бетоном, асфальтируя улицы, люди все же оставляют участки живой земли, чтобы посадить и вырастить на них деревья. Деревья увлажняют и очищают воздух в городе, обогащают его кислородом, защищают человека от солнечной радиации, ветров и городского шума, поглощают выхлопные газы машин и убивают болезнетворные микробы. Быт, отдых, спорт, детские игры, здоровье-все эти понятия тесно связаны в нашем сознании с понятиями "листва", свежесть", "трава", "земля".
Как живется дереву в городе? Как дышится? Поют ли на его ветках птицы? И что можем сделать мы, горожане, чтобы шелест листвы и птичьи голоса заглушали все остальные уличные шумы?
Давайте, пока не поздно, задумаемся над этими вопросами и сделаем все, что в наших силах, чтобы сохранить природу в городе.выписать из него слова с безударными гласными в корне,группируя их по видам(проверяемое,не проверяемое,чередующиеся)
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: img06
Переведите, пожалуйста
Children splash out on snacks.

Children in the UK spend £13 a week, with the biggest proportion of their
spending going on sweets, snacks and drinks, according to official figures released
In 2002-03 and 2003-04, the nation's seven to 15-year-olds spent an average of
£2.30 a week on snack-type food and a further £2.30 on other food - including
school meals and takeaways - according to figures from the Office for National
Statistics (ONS). These two categories made up 36% of their spending.
Clothing and footwear accounted for £2.00 of their cash, while games and hobbies
cost them £1.70, 80p of which went on electronic games and software. Mobile
phone costs represented just 50p of the £13.00 total.
Young teenagers were the biggest spenders, with girls aged between 13 and 15
spending an average of £21.50 a week and boys of the same age group spending
£20.40. Children aged seven to nine spent an average of £7.00 a week, while 10 to
12-year-olds spent £11.00.
The average weekly spend on confectionery, snacks and drinks among young
teenagers was £6.80 - over a quarter of their total spend.
Young teenage girls were the biggest spenders on mobile phones, averaging £1.50
a week compared with an average spend of 90p among their male peers, while
young boys spent a larger proportion of their money on games and hobbies (35%).
Spending by children contributed to an average family outlay of £418 a week in
2003-04, according to the ONS's annual review of family spending.
Its expenditure and food survey of around 7,000 UK households revealed that the
bulk of spending went on transport, accounting for £61 a week.
This included £28.10 spent on the purchase of a vehicle and £23.80 spent on
running it. Public transport accounted for just £8.80 of the weekly spend.
Recreation was the next biggest outlay, with £57 a week going on TVs, computers,
newspapers, books, leisure activities and holidays.
Package holidays abroad cost families an average of £11.60 for each week of the
year, while just 80p a week went towards package holidays in the UK.
Total expenditure varied according to the size of the family and where it lived. In
London, the average weekly spend was £486, compared with £336 in the northeast.
Households consisting of three or more adults spent an average of £686 a week,
while the 'average' family of two adults and two children spent £611.
For the first time the ONS looked into the amount spent by households on housingrelated
It found that £116 of family spending went towards running a property, with an
average of £39 a week spent on mortgage repayments, £23 on alterations and
improvements, £20 on council tax, water charges and other service charges and
£13 on rent.
When only households paying mortgages were put under the spotlight, the average
weekly spend on repayments was found to be £97.
Households in London paid £134 a week - 31% more than the national average -
while those in the north-east spent just £58 to service their mortgage.
Предмет: Қазақ тiлi, автор: пух8564