сделайте пожалуйста

задание 6.
1. yet
2. already
3. already
4. already
5. yet
6. yet
7. already
8. yet; yet
9. yet; already
10. already
11. already
12. yet
задание 7.
1. she has just leave the room.
2. They have just watched the news.
3. I have just finished my homework
4. He has just put on the jacket.
5. she has just caught a fish.
6. he has just called a taxi.
7. you have just written a letter.
8. the girl has just burned the cake.
9. the teacher has just walked out.
10. the dog has just seen the cat.
11. Jane has just turned the TV off.
12. the boys have just eaten dinner.
8 задание
1. Has Tim finished his work yet?
2. Did he finish it yesterday?
3. They have just gone out.
4. They went out a minute ago.
5. did Ann study yesterday afternoon?
6. Have you sent the letters yet?
7. did she call him a week ago?
8. they haven’t seen the film yet.
9. the train has just arrived.
10. have you ever been in a TV studio?
11. did you and Tom enjoy the party last night?
12. Didn’t you finish school last year?
13. I lost my dictionary. I can’t find it anywhere.
14. his hair looks short. He has had a haircut.
p.s. в 6 задании не уверена.