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We all know that you need to dress for the weather in order not to get sick or feel comfortable. So you need to dress for the seasons. But everything is different in each continent, but in ours it is something like this .... In the winter season you need to dress the warmest, it should be: warm clothes, jacket, hat, scarf and winter shoes. In the spring season you need to dress warmer. At the beginning of spring it is still cool, so there is no need to hurry. You can wear lighter clothes only when it gets warmer, which is about the middle of spring. In the summer season you need to wear T-shirts, shorts and all sorts of things in this direction. The warmest in July. You can dress in the autumn season as well as in the spring season. And also in the autumn season you need to have an umbrella with you because it often rains. So we know how to dress at different times of the year, but we still have to dress for the weather. That is, one day may be colder than another or, conversely, the day may be warmer than yesterday. Therefore, you should always look at the weather forecast or thermometer before going outside.
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