1. Guess the words, write them down. Use these words to complete the sentences, write them down. One word is extra.
Разгадайте слова, запишите их. Используйте эти слова чтобы заполнить пропуски в предложениях, запишите получившиеся предложения (вставленные слова – подчеркнуть). Одно слово – лишнее.
bringtheakat, onexscuris, ewondr, choca, larkmand, haywigh, siuinec.
1) We have been driving the … for several hours before we saw a … view of the Thames.
2) While our group was in London, we had a lot of … and saw almost all of the most famous landmark of the city.
3) As for me, the best way of exploring new city is travelling by excursion with a guide, because you can wonder anything you want to know about.
2. Rewrite these sentences in Reported Speech
Перепишите данные предложения в косвенной речи.
Sam: Have you ever been to London, Jack?
Jack: Yes, I have. And what about you?
Sam: No, I’ve never been to London but I would like to! Can you tell me about your trip?
Jack: With a pleasure! I was in London 2 years ago in summer. My trip started with visiting Buckingham Palace, London Eye and the Tower Bridge.
Sam: Sounds exciting. What was the most impressive?
Jack: Tower of London impressed me the most. It was dramatic and interesting at the same time.
Разгадываем слова:
bringtheakat - breathtaking (захватывающий дух)
onexscuris - excursions (экскурсии)
ewondr - wonder (чудо)
choca - coach (туристско-экскурсионный автобус)
larkmand - landmark (достопримечательность)
haywigh - highway (автотрасса, шоссе)
siuinec - cuisine (национальная кухня, присущая определенной стране)
Заполняем пропуски:
1) We have been driving the coach for several hours before we saw a breathtaking view of the Thames. (или We have been driving down the highway for...)
2) While our group was in London, we had a lot of excursions and saw almost all of the most famous landmarks of the city.
3) As for me, the best way of exploring new city is travelling by excursion coach with a guide, because you can wonder anything you want to know about.
2. Предложения в косвенной речи.
Sam asked Jack if he had ever been to London.
Jack said that he had asked Sam the same question.
Sam answered that he had never been to London but he would like to. Then Sam asked Jack to tell him about his trip.
Jack agreed and said that he had been to London two years before in summer. He added that his trip had started with visiting Buckingham Palace, London Eye and the Tower Bridge.
Sam thought that it sounded exciting and asked Jack what had been the most impressive for him.
Jack said that the Tower of London had impressed him the most because it had been dramatic and interesting at the same time.
При переводе прямой речи в косвенную нужно соблюдать правило согласования времен.