Предмет: Астрономия, автор: mshkkk

1)на какой широте а малой медведицы видна в зените?
2)Рассчитайте горизонтальный параллакс Меркурия в нижнем соединении


Автор ответа: ppp6491

Ответ:   1) α Малой Медведицы будет видна в зените на северной широте 89° 15' 51''.

2) Горизонтальный параллакс Меркурия в нижнем соединении ≈ 14,33''

Объяснение: 1) Строго говоря, Полярная, α созвездия Малая Медведица, будет находиться точно в зените на северной широте равной её склонению 89° 15' 51''. Но, из-за вращения Земли звезда будет находиться в зените недолго, несколько мгновений. Все остальное время суток она будет сначала удаляться от точки зенита в течение 12 часов, а затем, так же 12 часов будет приближаться к ней, пока опять не окажется в зените. В этом случае максимальное удаление Полярной от точки зенита составит 2(44' 09'') = 1° 28' 18''.

Если же наблюдать Полярную, находясь точно на северном полюсе, то звезда никогда не будет в зените, а будет описывать вокруг точки зенита окружность радиусом 44' 09''.

2) В нижнем соединении расстояние (S) между Меркурием и Землей

                         S = rз - rм,

здесь rз - радиус орбиты Земли = 149600000 км;

rм - радиус орбиты Меркурия = 57909227 км.

Горизонтальный параллакс (р'') определяется выражением:

р'' = 206265'' * Rз/ S = 206265'' * Rз/(rз - rм),

здесь 206265'' количество угловых секунд в одном радиане;

Rз - радиус Земли = 6371 км.

Подставив числовые значения параметров, имеем:

р'' = 206265''*6371/(149600000 - 57909227) ≈ 14,33''

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Текст 1

The Conservative Party

Until about 1920, two main political parties dominated the British political scene — the Conservative Party and the Liberal Party. In 1900 a workers' party was founded — the Labour Party — which replaced the Liberals, as the second main political party. The Conservative and Liberal Parties were the successors to the Tories3 and Whigs4 of the 18th and early nineteenth centuries.
The Conservatives are still often called by their old name of "Tories", but after 1832 the word "Conservative" was adopted to describe the successors of the Tory Party, which represented the interests of the landed aristocracy. In 1867 the Party was re-united and founded the first bourgeois party organiza¬tion, the "National Union of Conservative and Constitutional Associations" (re-named in 1912 "National Union of Conservative and Unionist Associa¬tions").
The Conservative Party is the party traditionally supported by the rich and privileged; the party represents the interests of the ruling capitalist class and) day is often referred to as the party of company directors. The Conservatives are opposed to any fundamental changes in society. They are against nationalization of the means of production and uphold private enterprise and freedom from state control.
The policies adopted by the Conservative government are leading to mass unemployment and inflation. Cuts in public spending are already taking their toll in the form of hospital closures, cutbacks in the health service, substantial increases in the cost of school meals and reductions in transport services. They support everything that aims at preserving the privileged position of the upper classes. For this reason they are against the abolition of private schools and are opposed to the introduction of a complete system of secondary comprehensive schools. These policies are being enforced for and by a group of people whose lives are remote and isolated from the majority of working people but whose influence is decisive.
The deepening crisis of world capitalism has hit Britain hard and in this crisis the ruling class sees the attack on the wages of the workers and the cutting of public expenditure as the only solution. Profits reach record levels while the wages of British workers go down. This policy has led to widespread unrest amongst wide sections of the British people.