Writ the correct form of the words ДАЮ 30 БАЛОВ ЭТО ВСЕ ОДНО ЗАДАНИЕ
People soon recognised his special talent and his career begam to move fastrer than his brothers' although he himself was much happier then. He became one of the most popular names in music history.
Michael Jackson was one of the most famous celebrites in the world. His record and CD sales are still more higher than those of most other singers. When Michael was more younger, he used to sing with his older brothers in a group called The Jackson 5.
People soon recognized his special talent and his career began to move faster than his brothers' although he himself was unhappier then. He became one of the most popular names in music history.
Michael Jackson was one of the most famous celebrities in the world. His record and CD sales are still higher than those of most other singers. When Michael was younger, he used to sing with his elder brothers in a group called 'The Jackson 5'.
Люди вскоре признали его особый талант, и его карьера начала развиваться быстрее, чем у его братьев, хотя сам он тогда был несчастнее. Его имя стало одним из самых популярных имен в истории музыки.
Майкл Джексон был одной из самых известных знаменитостей в мире. Продажи его пластинок и компакт-дисков по-прежнему выше, чем у большинства других певцов. Когда Майкл был моложе, он пел со своими старшими братьями в группе под названием
"5 Джексонов".