Предмет: Алгебра, автор: Аноним

Задача алгебра срочно!! Учи ру
Во вторник сайт посетило на 2 человека меньше, чем в понедельник, и это была самая низкая посещаемость за неделю. В среду на сайте публикуется новость недели поэтому в этот день число посетителей выросло на 10% по сравнению со вторником. В четверг сайт посетило столько же человек, столько в понедельник, к выходным количество посетителей всегда увеличевается. В пятницу их было на 1 человека больше,чем в предыдущий день, а в субботу ещё прибавилось - их стало в 1,18 раз больше чем было во вторник, в воскресенье посещаемость сайта была наибольшей за неделю - на 4 человека больше, чем в пятницу, выбери график, правильно показывающий зависимость числа посетителей сайта от дня недели. ​ ​



Автор ответа: fidelcastbro120




По первому условию подходит только первый график

timur66680: хорош
Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: JloJlka
Are these sentences true or false? Find evidence in the text.
1)The participants of the re-enactment are wearing 19th century clother.
2)They're making a film about the civi war.
3) Simon saw a re-enacted Viking battle when he was a child
4)simon's girlfriend isn't interested in histirical re-enactment.
5)The Writer feels that histiorical re-enactments are a good way to learn about history.

вот текст
The air is heavy with the smell
of gunpowder, and there
are blood-stained bodies all
around me. Suddenly, I hear
the tremendous ‘boom’ of
a cannon, and smoke fills my
eyes. In the distance I can just
see a soldier on horseback –
and he’s coming right for me.
My heart is beating like a drum, and I’ve never
felt so afraid …
Fortunately, of course, the blood I can see is all
make-up, and this battle is not for real. I’ve come
here to experience a historical re-enactment
of the English Civil War. Role play enthusiast
Simon Lowe has agreed to be my guide for the
day. He’s brought me a spare costume – short
wool trousers, a cotton shirt, a leather tunic
and a musket, which is the kind of gun they
used in the 17th century. We certainly look like
characters in a film.
This is quite an unusual way to spend the
weekend, so I’m keen to ask Simon how he
got involved. ‘I’ve always been interested in history,’ he told me. ‘When
I was young, my parents took
me to the re-enactment of
a Viking battle, and it was
amazing – really dramatic!
It’s just something that I’ve
always wanted to do. And I’ve
met some great people here
– including my girlfriend.’
After the battle, Simon
introduces me to some other members of the group.
On Monday morning they’ll be back in the office or in the classroom, but for now they’re
enjoying their lives as 17th century soldiers and peasants. When the time comes for me to
say goodbye and step back into the modern world, I feel quite sad. I’ve had a great time,
and I’ve learnt more about history than I ever would in a textbook!
Предмет: Русский язык, автор: Anna200241
Предмет: Русский язык, автор: seda0383mailrudani