по каждой составить 10 штук предложений
This is car-These are cars
This is bird-These are birds
This is elephants-These are elephants
This is lorrie-These are lorries
This is boat-There are boats
This is house-There are houses
This is bike-There are bikes
This is book-There are books
This is lizard-These are lizards
This is teacher-These are teachers
That is car-Those are cars
That is bird-Those are birs
That is elephant-Those are elephants
That is lorrie-Those are lorries
That is boat-Those are boats
That is house-Those are houses
That is bike-Those are bikes
That is a book-Those are books
That is lizard-Those are lizards
That is teacher-Those are teachers
There is a teacher in the in the floor-
There are teachers in the floor
There is a tree in the garden-There are trees in the garden
There is a pen on the table-There are pens on the table
There is a student in the classroom-There are students in the classroom
There is a book in your bag-There are books in your bag
There is a car in the street-There are cars in the street
There is a elephant at the zoo-There are elephants at the zoo
There is a helicopter in the sky- There are helicopters in the sky
There is a plane in the garage-There are planes in the garage
There is a lorrie at the factory-There are lorries at the factory