Предмет: Литература, автор: tixpollina

мнение о стихотворении низкий дом с голубыми ставнями, нужно срочноооо​


Автор ответа: tuleubayinkar55

помогите пожалуйста я не понимаю

Автор ответа: amest60
В анализируемом стихотворении поэт раскрывает тему любви к малой родине. В контексте нее развивается и идея, что память об отчем доме неподвластна времени. Произведение написано от первого лица. Этот приём намекает на автобиографическую основу стихов, максимально сближает лирического героя и автора.
В первом катрене лирический герой обращается к дому, говоря, что никогда не забудет его. Года, проведенные в низком доме уже отзвучали, но родные просторы до сих пор напоминают о себе во снах. Постепенно лирический герой переключает свое внимание на природу отчего края. Он рассказывает о полях, лугах и лесе, которые небрежно прикрыты небесами. Родное небо ассоциируется у Есенина с ситцем. Оно совсем не поражает красотой, наоборот кажется «сереньким» и «бедным».
Ностальгия по детству подталкивает лирического героя к откровенному признанию. Он открыто говорит, что не готов вернуться в глушь и пропадать там, да и восхищаться уже не умеет. Тем не менее он хранит «нежность грустную русской души». Эта метафора говорит о том, что в жилах столичного поэта течёт крестьянская кровь. После лаконичного откровения герой снова обращается к образам родной природы. Он рассказывает о любви к журавлям. Не зря в произведении упоминается именно эта птица. В славянской культуре журавль символизирует всё хорошее.
После революции С. Есенин приезжал в Константиново. Изменения неприятно впечатлили поэта. Видимо, поэтому лирический герой произведения заявляет, что хотел бы не любить деревню. Однако он понимает, что разлюбить дорогой сердцу край невозможно, ведь это частица его души. В последнем четверостишии лирический герой еще раз повторяет, что никогда не забудет «дом с голубыми ставнями».
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"The 1900 House"
"The 1900 House" was a reality television programme in Britain. It took people back a hundred years to the time of Queen Victoria, when there were no computers, mobile phones or the Internet. The idea of the show was to give people an experience of living in the past.
A modern family, the Bowler family, spent three months living like people at the beginning of the 20th century. There were the parents (Paul and Joyce) and their four children (three daughters and a son). The cameras recorded them every day. The house didn't have a telephone, a fridge, a TV set or even central heating. The Bowlers wore clothes from 1900 and ate the food that existed in England at that time. There wasn't much to choose from. The main dishes on the table were meat and fish, and the day usually started with a cup of tea and porridge.
The father of the family, Paul Bowler, still went to work but in an old-fashioned uniform. He couldn't read newspapers or use a computer. The mother, Joyce, became a housewife and stayed home. She did all the cleaning, washing and cooking. The children still went to school, but they changed their clothes on the way to and from school so their classmates wouldn’t know anything about this unusual project.
The Bowlers noticed that life at the beginning of the century was much slower. It was rather hard for them to get used to the new speed. For example, it took 28 minutes to boil water and make a cup of tea. And can you imagine cleaning the house without a vacuum cleaner or washing clothes without a washing machine? There wasn't any toothpaste or modern shampoo. Without central heating nobody thought about a warm bath or a shower in the morning. Toothbrushes were made of pig and horse hair. Toothpaste was expensive so most people cleaned their teeth using salt or soda. The children thought it was horrible.
11-year-old Hilary said: "The most difficult thing was finding entertainment. We couldn't go to the cinema or to a café. It was a new experience to be with the family for half a day or more. It was new and hard to be nice to each other all the time. But I really think we all became closer."
17-year-old Kathryn remembered that she couldn't wear any make-up. She had to wear a corset every day and had only three sets of clothes: one to wear every day, the second – to wear while cleaning, and the third was for special events, like celebrations.
When the show was over the Bowlers were asked: what did you miss most from the modern world? The father said it was a hot shower. The mother had longed to have a quick cup of tea. The daughters said it was the music, the hot water, shampoo and "normal sounds like the washing machine" which they missed. For the son it was pizza and the computer.
It's interesting that the family was allowed to keep anything they wanted after the project. Joyce took her corset and each of the children took something from the house to remind them of their experience.

The 1900 House" is a programme about Queen Victoria.
1) True
2) False
3) Not stated

The family didn't like the food and clothes they had.
1) True
2) False
3) Not stated

The children kept the project a secret from their classmates.
1) True
2) False
3) Not stated

The family didn't have any modern equipment in the house.
1) True
2) False
3) Not stated

During the project Mr Bowler took a hot shower in the morning.
1) True
2) False
3) Not stated

Because of the project Hilary had to spent more time with her family.
1) True
2) False
3) Not stated

Kathryn changed her clothes three times a day.
1) True
2) False
3) Not stated

The family bought a new house after the project.
1) True
2) False
3) Not stated