how can people protect our natural world? what can we do?
How to save nature and ecology? We will have to start with ourselves - there is no other way to save the planet. Here are some practical tips to help us make the lives of our children and grandchildren a little better. And there, you see, people around will adopt your habits. Singapore is still far away, but the first step has already been taken. By changing some of the rules of life, for example, the habit of basking in the bathroom, and standing in the shower, you will drastically reduce your water consumption (up to 100 liters per day). If you turn off the water while you lather your hair, save another 50. Use the dishwasher. Where a machine needs 6.5 liters of water, you use all 49 when washing dishes by hand, according to expert company Intertek. Pause
Leaving the water on while brushing your teeth is wasting almost 500 liters of water a month. For those who like to shave to the "water accompaniment", this also applies.