Writing Task. Choose ONE of the topics to write about 120-150 words. Topic 1. Write a descriptive essay about the most beautiful place in Kazakhstan. Topic 2. Write a descriptive essay about the most dangerous place in the world.
1. The most dangerous peaks on the planet are in Cueima Grande, which in Portuguese means Snake Island (Brazil). It is located near the coast of São Paulo. One of the most dangerous species of snakes - island botropes live in the rocky, small area. The venom of reptiles is so poisonous that it kills a small animal in a matter of seconds. The bites of Aral botropes are also fatal to humans. According to some sources, 1 sq. M. Up to 5 poisonous people come to one meter of the island. This type of snake is endemic, ie it lives only on this island. Deadly predators live in trees and shrubs, so birds are often their victims. Brazilian authorities have banned travel to the island. In 2002, the film "Snake Island" was made for this place on Earth.