stening sk 1. Listen to a TV programme about islands. Identify which of the islands refers to th tements below (1-6). Write letter (A-C) next to the statement. Great Britain 1. It's popular with tourists. Greenland 2. The nights are very short in summer. [1] Madagascar 3.The animals and plants are different from other places. 4. There's tunnel connecting it to a continent. 5. There are big differences in climate between different parts of the 6. Its name doesn't describe it well. [1] [1] isla
1.-A It's popular with tourists. - Great Britain
2.-В The nights are very short in summer. - Greenland
3.-C The animals and plants are different from other places. - Madagascar
4.-A There's tunnel connecting it to a continent. - Great Britain
5.-C There are big differences in climate between different parts of the island. - Madagascar
6.-B Its name doesn't describe it well. - Greenland
1.-A Он популярен среди туристов. - Великобритания
2.-В Ночи летом очень короткие. - Гренландия
3.-C Животные и растения отличаются от других мест. - Мадагаскар
4.-A Есть туннель, соединяющий его с континентом. - Великобритания
5.-C Существуют большие различия в климате между разными частями острова. - Мадагаскар
6.-B Название плохо описывает его. - Гренландия