Complete the text using the correct tense forms. Write it down in your exercise - Although Agatha Christie (1) (to be the world's most successful and best-known detective writer, she rarely (2) (to interview) or (3) (to see) in public places. Most people (4) (to convince) that this (5) (to be) for her shyness. Yet, it also 6. (to come) from a strange incident which (7) (to happen) early in her writing career. She (8) (to publish) just one of her best thrillers – The Murder of Roger Ackroyd – in 1926, when she mysteriously (9) (to disappear). There (10) (to be) a lot of publicity and a nation-wide search for her. At this time she unhappily (11) (to marry) to her first husband. Agatha Christie (12) (to find) in a hotel two weeks later registered under another woman's name! She (13) (to explain) her strange disappearance and actions by the loss of memory. Many newspapers (14) (to write) that she only (15) (to try to get publicity for her new book. She (16) (to hurt) and upset by this idea. Later she (17) (to continue) to write many more successful books, but she rarely (18) (to appear) in public again and almost never (19) (to interview).
1.was прошедш.время от to be, подлеж.в ед.числе
2.was interviewed or 3 seen -пассивный залог,
4. convinced -прошедш.время
5. was
6. came прош.врем, вторая колонка таблицы непр.глаголов
7.happened окончание -ed пишем, если глагола нет в таблице непр.глаголов
8. published
9. disappeared
10. was
11. married окончание у меняем на I перед -ed, если у стоит после согласн.
12.. was found пассив, ее нашли, не она совершала действие, а действ.над ней.
13. explained прав.глагол, ed
14. wrote неправ. глагол, вторая колонка неправ глаголов
15. tried
16. was hurt пассив, не она сама совершала это действ.
18. appeared
19.was interviewed пассив
см. пункт 4, например
Although Agatha Christie (1) was the world's most successful and best-known detective writer, she (2) was rarely interviewed or (3) seen in public places. Most people (4) are convinced that this (5) was for her shyness. Yet, it also 6) comes from a strange incident which (7) happened early in her writing career. She (8) had just published one of her best thrillers – The Murder of Roger Ackroyd – in 1926, when she mysteriously (9) disappeared. There (10) was a lot of publicity and a nation-wide search for her. At this time she (11) was unhappily married to her first husband. Agatha Christie (12) was found in a hotel two weeks later registered under another woman's name! She (13) explained her strange disappearance and actions by the loss of memory. Many newspapers (14) wrote that she only (15) was only trying to get publicity for her new book. She (16) was hurt and upset by this idea. Later she (17) continued to write many more successful books, but she rarely (18) appeared in public again and (19) was almost never interviewed.
1 Поскольку речь идет о событиях в прошлом, глаголы стоят в Past Simple - в данном слeчае глагол to be - was
2 was rarely interviewed - Past Simple Passive - у нее редко брали интервью
3 тоже пассив - ее редко видели на публике
4 Most peole (=they) are convinced - убеждены, пассив (Present Simple Passive)
5 This was for her shyness. - Это было из-за ее стеснительности.
6 comes from - происходит из-за
7 Past Simple happened (есть указание, когда именно произошло действие, выраженное этим глаголом)
8 Past Perfect - "had just published" означает действие, которое произошло раньше, чем действие из второй части предложения. Сначала А.К. опубликовала книгу, потом исчезла
9 Используем Past Simple - disappeared (есть указание, когда именно произошло действие, выраженное этим глаголом)
10 There was, потому что publicity - неисчисляемое сущ. в ед. числе
12 was found - "была найдена" - Past Simple Passive
13 explained - "объяснила" - однократное действие в прошлом
14 wrote - "писали/написали" (нам известно, когда это произошло)
15 was only trying - только пыталась... Past Continuous (действие протекало в прошлом на тот момент, когда произошло другое действие)
16 was hurt - Past Simple Passive - была обижена/задета
17 Past Simple - continued - "продолжала"
18 appeared - "появлялась" - Past Simple (речь о прошлом)
19 was almost never interviewed -Past Simple Passive - "почти никогда не давала интервью"