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I watched a movie called Avengers: Endgame by Kevin Faige. It's a spectacular movie!
The main characters are the remaining Avengers because the main villain Thanos made half of the living beings vanish, and with it half of the Avengers team. The remaining Avengers managed to create a time machine and travelled to past too get the Infinity Stones. Once they got the Infinity Stones, Hulk has used the gauntlet to return the half that was vanished back. They managed to do it but Thanos from 2014 blew up the headquarters of the Avengersand they started fighting an army that is lead by Thanos. Then portals made by Dr. Strange we're made and the other half of the Avengers team come out of the portsls. They all fight the army of Thanos. Thanos managed to take away the gauntlet and then wished for half of the living beings to disappear and snapped with his fingers for it to come true, but the gauntlet had no stones because Iron Man aka Tony Stark took them away, then he wished for Thanos and his army to disappear and snapped, and then died. Everything has come back to normal and a funeral was held for Tony Stark. I loved this movie because the effects, story, characters we're really good. I would recommend it too people who like superheroes or fantasy movies, maybe drama and fighting too.