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Виталий Парини 3 года назад
My favourite superhero is Iron man. His real name is Tony Stark. He is very smart, brave and funny. Tony has an iron suit, which was constructed by himself. Iron man takes part in Avengers team with Hulk, Captain America, Thor and others. Tony is a superhero because he saves the world a few times. Watch this brilliant film!
Мой возлюбленный супергерой - Стальной человек. Его истиннее имя - Тони Старк. Он очень умен, отважен и весел. У Тони есть стальной костюмчик, который сконструировал он сам. Железный человек - часть команды Мстителей вместе с Халком, Капитаном Америкой, Тором и иными. Тони - супергерой, потому что он спасал мир несколько раз. Посмотрите этот роскошный кинофильм!
A blue uniform, red trunks, red boots, and a long, flowing red cape. Tall, strong, invincible. Kind, smart, just! Faster than a speeding bullet! More powerful than a train! Able to leap from building to building at a single bound! That’s Superman, our most favourite superhero!
Superman was created in 1933. His real ‘parents’ were high school students Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster from Cleveland, Ohio. Jerry and Joe were rather shy and unpopular at school, so they made up a superhero to live a life of fantasy through him!
As the story goes, Superman came from dying planet Krypton. His parents sent him to Earth in a rocket in order to save him. The rocket landed in Kansas near a town called Smallville. A couple of farmers found the boy, adopted him and named him Clark. As Clark grew older, he gained strength from the Sun. By the time he was an adult he was able to fly, fire heat vision from his eyes and see through walls. From that point, he was Superman.