Пожалуйста решите срочно!!!

1. Mike told Elisa that he was sorry to disturb her.
2. The porter said that the taxi was waiting.
3. Mr. O'Brian said that he was Monica's teacher of history.
4. Flora said that she would be all right in a minute.
5. Gloria said that she was deeply grateful for all Michelle has done for her and her family.
6. The teacher said that I had been generosity itself with my cousins.
7. Mr. Collins said that Moira always came home for dinner.
8. Tom said that everyone had taken him for his twin brother there and behaved accordingly.
9. Nelly said that she had asked the professor some questions on grammar.
10. She said that her mother wanted to know if she was coming to see her the next day.
При переводе прямой речи в косвенную время в предложении меняется на то, которое ему предшествует.
Также необходимо заменять местоимения и некоторые обстоятельства места и времени (см. таблицу ниже)