Предмет: Английский язык, автор: batyrhangalym08

5 Work in pairs. Look back at the different forms of transport mentioned on this page. What are the 'pros and cons' of each one? Which do you think is the best one for a big city? Why?​


Автор ответа: kpiltaj


Ваша очередь 5 Работайте в парах. Посмотрите на различные виды транспорта, упомянутые на этой странице. Каковы «за и против» каждого из них? Как вы думаете, что лучше для большого города? Почему?

ответ When summer vacation coming to an end, we begin to prepare for school. it is no accident that it is the first day of the school year marks the day of knowledge, it is called so. after all, what school? this is the place where we learn a lot of new and interesting things about the world, the mysteries of nature and ourselves. we gain knowledge and skills that will be useful to us throughout life, and learn to understand the beauty, to communicate with people to develop their talents. the first of september - joyful day when, after the summer holidays, we return to school to learn new skills and meet friends. this is the day when empty without school students again filled with children's voices and the rustle of notebooks. again joyfully ringing school bell, announcing the beginning and end of the lesson. i still remember how one day on september mom brought me to school the first time. i remember it was a little scary and insanely fun! so many children, flowers, music, new neat form how many unexplored ahead! i knew i was an adult, not some kind ditsadkovets, and with trepidation expecting what will be my first lesson. on this day, we go to school especially good, funny, with bouquets of flowers. our teachers, head teachers, the director said many warm parting words, we want academic excellence. in my opinion, this is good - to begin the school year with the holidays, it charges a good mood on the difficult but interesting training

kpiltaj: надеюсь то
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