6. а). Напишите по одному вопросу к каждому предложению, начиная их словами, данными в скобках. Прочитайте написанное. 1. We had five lessons yesterday. (How many...) 2. He has to go to the doctor. (Where...) 3. I have new textbooks for the eighth form. (What form... for?) 4.She had to read the text three times.(How many...) 5. They have had a geography lesson today.(What lesson ...) 6 We had to have dinner at home.(Where ...
1. We had five lessons yesterday.
How many lessons did we have yesterday?
2. He has to go to the doctor.
Where does he have to go?
3. I have new textbooks for the eighth form.
What form do you/I have new textbooks for?
4. She had to read the text three times.
How many times did she have to read the text?
5. They have had a geography lesson today.
What lesson have they had today?
6 We had to have dinner at home.
Where did we have to have dinner?
Чтобы задать вопрос, нужно определить в предложении вспомогательный глагол и поставить его (вспом. глагол) сразу после вопросительного слова (или группы), перед подлежащим. Потом уже добавляем сказуемое и прочие члены предложения (если таковые есть)
В предложениях 2, 4 и 6 использован модальный глагол have to, к нему нужно добавлять в вопросах вспом. глагол do/does/did (в зависимости от времени)