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Reporter Eddie Brock finds a worthy enemy - a maniac with a symbiote inside. Woody Harrelson as Villain
More than a year after being possessed by the alien symbiote Venom, journalist Eddie Brock is trying to adjust to a new life with superpowers and Venom's constant desire to bite people's heads off. Brock tries to revive his career and interviews serial killer Cletus Kasady, who accidentally becomes the owner of the Carnage symbiote and escapes from prison right during his own execution.
What is Venom 2 about: Eddie Brock adjusts to life as a carrier of the alien Venom symbiote and resurrects his career as a journalist along the way. Chosen to write an article about serial killer Cletus Cassidy, who lives out the rest of his days on death row, the journalist receives a promise from the criminal to provide exclusive data on his life. However, to do so, Eddie must publish a message for Frances Barrison, who is secretly imprisoned for possessing powerful powers. During Brock's final visit to Death Row, Cletus bites a reporter, and his blood turns the criminal into Carnage, a deadlier version of Venom. With Carnage and Francis on the loose, Eddie has a crisis in his relationship with Venom and turns to his ex-girlfriend Ann for help.