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2.задание 1-е предлож. вопросительное Do I/you play the guitar at my guitar lessons?
1-первое предл. -отрицат. I don't play the giutar at my guitar lessons.
Who plays the guitar at the guitar lessons? - спец.вопрос
Where do I play the guitar?- спец.вопрос
2.- задан.2 -е предл. вопрос. Are they cooking the chicken now?
2-е предл.отриц. They are not cooking the chicken now.
Who is cooking the chicken now?
What are they cooking?
2.е задан. 3-е предлож. вопрос Will Barbara pass the exam tomorrow?
3- предл. отриц.Barbara will not pass the exam tomorrow. I am sure.
Who will pass the exam tomorrow?
What will Barbara do tomorrow?
2.4.-е предл. вопрос- Is Dr Brown going to give a lecture to his students tomorrow?
4 - отриц..Dr Brown is not going to give a lecture to his students tomorrow?
What is Dr Brown going to do tomorrow?
When is he going to give a lecture to his students?
3. 1....I'll repair my house.
2. I'll paint the...
3. I'll buy some new furniture.
4. ...I'll invite my...
5. ...
6. And now I am buying some materials for repairing.
I like blue and green.
I think my kitchen will be blue and green.
My bathroom will be pink and white. Come ...