Предмет: Кыргыз тили, автор: albertbahtiev2

алыкул осмонов Чыгармаларын атап бергиле.​


Автор ответа: HezGarsia


Ав­тор ли­ри­ко-ро­ман­тических по­эм по мо­ти­вам киргизского фольк­ло­ра («То­лу­бай», «Борь­ба ха­рак­те­ров», обе 1944; «Ка­ра­гул», 1945; «То­поль Эшим­ка­на», 1946), ли­ро-эпических по­эм «Уда­лец Мир­за» (1945), по­эм о Великой Отечественной вой­не: «Вос­крес­шие из мёрт­вых», «Дже­ниш­бек», «Три но­ги», «Лю­бовь» (все 1945); пьес «Смерть ге­роя» (1945), «Вто­рая бри­га­да» (в сти­хах), «Объ­езд­чик Ко­оман» (все 1947), «На­до от­прав­лять­ся в Мер­ке» (1949) и других. Пе­ре­во­дил по­эмы «Ви­тязь в тиг­ро­вой шку­ре» Ш. Рус­та­ве­ли (1939), «Хос­ров и Ши­рин» (1941) Ни­за­ми, про­из­ве­де­ния У. Шек­спи­ра, А.С. Пуш­ки­на («Ев­ге­ний Оне­гин», 1948), М.Ю. Лер­мон­то­ва, И. А. Кры­ло­ва и других.


Қырғыз фольклорына негізделген лиро-романтикалық поэмалардың авторы («Толубай», «Кейіпкерлер тартысы», екеуі де 1944; «Қарағұл», 1945; «Ешімқан терек», 1946), Ұлы Отан соғысы: «Өлімнен тірілді», « Жеңішбек», «Үш аяқ», «Махаббат» (барлығы 1945 ж.); «Батырдың өлімі» (1945), «Екінші бригада» (өлеңде), «Ат мінген Куман» (барлығы 1947), «Меркеге бару керек» (1949) және т.б. Ш.Руставелидің «Пантера терісін жамылған рыцарь» (1939), Низамидің «Хосров пен Ширин» (1941) поэмаларын, В.Шекспирдің, А.С. Пушкин («Евгений Онегин», 1948), М.Ю. Лермонтов, И.А.Крылов және т.б.

Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: MrLion5

8. A laptop is very useful ____ I prefer using a big family computer.
a) and
b) also
c) but
d) whereas

9. We are pleased that we have at last dealt ____ with the problem.
a) success
b) successful
c) successfully
d) successing

10. That suitcase looks very heavy. I ____ if you like.
a) carry
b) I‘ll carry
c) carried
d) would carry

Read the text and complete the sentences choosing the correct variant.
Our journey to Greece began at six in the morning, when my family and I set off from the house in our old car. We’d only gone a mile when we got a ____ (11) tyre, and after we’d fixed that we had to hurry to the airport. We ____ (12) to reach the check-in just before it closed, then we went through to the departure lounge. Soon we were ____ (13) the plane, and looking forward to our week on an island in the sun. I had a window seat, but since I was directly above the ____ (14) I couldn’t see much, so I asked the flight ____ (15) if I could move to another seat. She found me one nearer the front of the plane, and later on I had a wonderful ____ (16) of the snow-covered mountains as we crossed over the Austrian Alps. The weather became sunnier as we approached Greece, and our plane arrived right on ____ (17) at Athens’ very smart new airport. Half an hour after we landed, we ____ (18) the train for the centre of Athens, where we ____ (19) trains for the port of Piraeus. It wasn’t long before we were on the waterfront. After a short wait we were on board our ferry and sailing out to sea. It was a lovely trip, and finally we reached our destination, the holiday was a ____ (20) come true.

11. a) flat b) level c )dead d) broken
12. a) could b)managed c) able d) succeeded
13. a) riding b) flying с) stepping d) boarding
14. a) wing b) mast c) platform d) sail
15. a) officer b) helper c) assistant d) attendant
16. a) scene b) view c) sight d) scenery
17. a) moment b) hour c)time d) minute
18. a) go into b) got onto c) got up d) got over
19. a) changed b) moved c) replaced d) exchanged
20. a) plan b) hope c) thought d) dream