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1 ) I know two languages.
2) Yes. Some people learn languages because they need them for work, others travel abroad, and others just as a hobby. People want to know languages, write pen pals or communicate with people from different countries, meet more new people and make friends. ... A foreign language helps you learn your native language better.
3)Yes Learning a foreign language just before elementary school allows you to prepare the child for learning, lay down the correct pronunciation, and accumulate vocabulary.
4)They just get lazy . if a person wants to learn and tries to do it, then there will be no problems.
1) Kazakhs are an eastern people, which has a very strong tradition of hospitality. Any guest, even an uninvited one, should be treated with respect, offer him food and the best place in the country. The guest of honor was given the gift of a shapan, and this tradition was preserved on this day.
2) Initially, in Italy, Valentine's Day was called the Day of Spring and Love and was celebrated in the fresh air - couples walked all day and confessed their feelings to each other.
3) previous generations and bygone centuries. In this sense, traditions make it possible to record the history of a person, a family, a nation, the world as a whole. And also to ensure continuity between generations of people and the stability of social progress.
4) The traditional attitudes of Russian culture were formed in the conditions of a pre-industrial society. The transition of the country to industrial development to some extent shook them, but did not destroy them. Under socialism, they even got stronger: the specificity of an industrial society built on socialist principles was that it restored certain features of the feudal-serf organization of social relations, and the Soviet ideology willingly supported the cultural traditions that corresponded to this organization.
Contemporary Russian culture is at a crossroads. It breaks the stereotypes that have developed in pre-Soviet and Soviet times. Apparently, there is no reason to believe that this process will affect the specific core of culture - its core values and ideals. However, calls for the "revival" of Russian culture in the form in which it existed in the past are utopian. The reassessment of values is already underway. The results of sociological research show that conflicting norms and stereotypes of behavior are colliding in the minds of Russian people today. Age-old traditions are being shaken, and it is still difficult to say which of them will stand and which will fall victim to the new flourishing of Russian culture.
1)The main tradition of the Kazakhs, which eventually transformed into a feature of the national character, is hospitality. In Kazakh society, there is an unofficial law, voiced in ancient times. It says - greet the guest as a messenger of God.
2)Traditionally, much attention is paid to the development of agriculture in the country. Kazakhstan is among the top ten world grain exporters and is one of the leaders in the export of flour. ... Rice, cotton and tobacco are grown in the south of the country. Kazakhstan is also famous for its orchards, vineyards and gourds.
3) Yes. We must not forget our traditions .
4)probably this - As you know, sarkyt is a treat that is distributed after the festive dastarkhan. The reason for the holiday was the holding of two bright Kazakh customs. Today, as part of the Sarkyt charity event, two families from the Adaptation Center for Women and Children held national ceremonies - Tusau kesu and Besikke .
1)Korean. Because I want to study in Korea .
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