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Диалог на тему Великий Шелковый путь
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5 вопросов и 5 ответов
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Автор ответа: minimini09031310


- Что вам известно о Великом шелковом пути?
- Великий шелковый путь – это маршрут, по которому шли караваны с товарами из Восточной Азии в Средиземноморье.
- В какое время он существовал и для чего он был создан?
-  Он был в древности и Средние века. В первую очередь использовался для вывоза шёлка из Китая, с чем и связано его название. Путь был проложен во II веке до н. э.
- При правлении какого императора было заложено начало Великого шелкового пути?
- Старая Северная дорога возникла во времена императора У-ди
- Шелк был единственным товаром в то время?
- Нет. Шёлк был хотя и главным, но далеко не единственным товаром, который перевозился по трансконтинентальному пути. Из Центральной Азии вывозились хуттальские кони, весьма ценимые в Китае, военное снаряжение, золото и серебро, полудрагоценные камни и изделия из стекла, кожа и шерсть, ковры и хлопчатобумажные ткани, экзотические фрукты — арбузы и персики, курдючные овцы и охотничьи собаки, леопарды и львы. Из Китая караваны везли фарфор и металлическую посуду, лакированные изделия и косметику, чай и рис. В дорожных мешках купцов можно было найти слоновые бивни, носорожьи рога, черепаховые панцири, пряности и многое другое.
- Сыграло ли наличие Великого шелкового пути на культурные и экономические связи?
- Несомненно , да. Например, шелковый путь служил проводником распространения технологий и инноваций, в том числе в искусстве, религии. При этом почти все технологии распространялись из Китая на запад, а не в противоположном направлении


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Переведите,пожалуйста,текст. Очень СРОЧНО!!!
Having a holiday is always great fun in many ways. First of all it is because of people have a day off, secondly it is the way of relaxion from everyday’s routine. In every country you can find public and religious holidays. What is about Russia?

The New Year is one of the public holidays. It is the favourite day for many people. Many preparations are made before it. You should buy a Christmas tree, decorate it. Mothers and wives are busy with cooking. There is much delicious food on the Russian table. People dress beautiful clothes. They greet the new year with champagne and listen to the Kremlin chimes beating 12 o’clock. And the next day everyone looks for a present under the Chrismas tree which has been left by Father Frost. What is more exciting is New Year holidays. They last from the 1st of January to the 5th.

Unlike Catholic Christmas, Orthodox Christmas comes a week after the new year. Different festivals of all kind take place in the streets. This holiday is surprising time. Heart is filled with miracle expectation… And this miracle occurs! «The Christ is born, glorify! » — Rushes over the Universe, — «the Christ from heavens, meet! ». Christmas can be called a family holiday. Everyone tries to spend it with relatives.

One of the most admirable holidays is Maslenitsa. People see off winter, and open themself for spring. It is celebrated during the last week before the Lent. During this time people visit their friends, bake pancakes. If we look back to the history we will find that each day has its own tradition. On Monday people meet the pancake week. On Tuesday there is folk tunes. On Wednesday the mother-in-law invite to pancakes her sons-in-law with wives. On Thursday people usually sledge. On Friday sons-in-law call the mother-in-law on entertainment. Saturday is usually taken as meetings with sisters-in-law. Sunday is called «day of pardon». This day everyone try to see friends, relatives and acquaintances, exchanged kisses, bows and are sorry if they have offended acts or words.

One of the most popular holiday in Russia is the 8th of March. This day men and sons bring flowers and presents for their wives, women, mothers, grandmothers. Women wait from men for signs of attention, colours and gifts. Almost everybody has day off.

The most important orthodox holiday is Christ’s Revival which is also called Easter. This day is familiar to everyone since childhood. Brightly painted eggs, tasty smelling Easter cakes full the atmosphere of this day. People prepare for celebrating this day beforehand. On Saturday believers bake Easter cakes, bear them in church with painted eggs for consecration. It is the symbolical value. The people go from Saturday to Sunday’s night in a temple on Easter divine service. After this people say «Christ Voskresi! ». and answer: «Truly Voskresi!

Victory Day is celebrated on May 9. This day the millions fallen in World War II are commemorated. Flowers are laid on wartime graves, veterans come out into the streets wearing their military orders and medals. Independence Day Russia celebrates on the 12th of June.

So, there are many others holidays in Russia with many traditions and customs which are also very interesting .
Предмет: Математика, автор: saniushaostapenko