13 Write the Past Simple of the following verbs in the correct column: to enjoy. to tie, to marry, to smile, to travel, to drop, to watch, to live, to try, to jump, to study, to fire, to clap, to wash, to fry, to like, to open, to play, to fail, to cancel, to carry, to plan, to fit, to sail, to star, to admire, to cry, to love, to tidy, to stop, to hope, to dry.
to enjoy - enjoyed
to tie - tied
to marry - married
to smile - smiled
to travel - travelled (traveled - Американский английский)
to drop - dropped
to watch - watched
to live - lived
to try - tired
to jump - jumped
to study - studied
to fire - fired
to clap - clapped
to wash - washed
to fry - fried
to like - liked
to open - opened
to play - played
to fail - failed
to cancel - canceled
to carry - carried
to plan - planed
to fit - fitted
to sail - sailed
to star - starred
to admire - admired
to cry - cried
to love - loved
to tidy - tidied
to stop - stopped
to hope - hoped
to dry - dried
1 колонка - выписывай туда все, что заканчивается на ied (там где заменяется y на i)
2 колонка - те слова, в кт удваивается согласный (starred, dropped)
3 колонка - слова, которые в инфинитиве заканчиваются на -е и к которым просто прибавляется буква d ( love - loved)
4 колонка - слова, в которых при добавлении окончания ed удвоился согласный (drop - dropped)