Предмет: Математика, автор: nmelnik283

Довжина майданчика дорівнює 16м,а ширина на 6м коротша.На відстані 5м від майданчика виклали бордюр.Знайди площу прямокутника,по лініях якого виклали бордюр


Автор ответа: koteykakoteyka98



Пошаговое объяснение:

Спочатку знаходимо ширину майданчика, тобто:

1)16-6=10 м — ширина майданчика

Якщо бордюр виклали з кожної сторони по 5 метрів, то кожна сторона повинна збільшитися на 10 м, тобто:

2)10+5+5=20 м — ширина майданчика разом з проміжком між майданчиком і бордюром;

3) 16+5+5=26 м — довжина майданчика разом з проміжком між майданчиком і бордюром;

Далі рахуємо площу, тобто множимо ширину і довжину майданчика разом з проміжком:

4)20•26=520 м² — площа майданчика до бордюра

Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Аноним
A Day in the Life of Simon Carrot
Task I: read & comprehend the following story.
At 12: 30 pm was time for lunch. I was very hungry! I sat down at the table feeling very happy because the Latin lessons were over. And then I saw what was for lunch: meat pie, boiled potatoes and cabbage. I hate vegetables! But I ate a little, because I was so hungry.
Then I went into the playground with my friends Pete Sharp and John Ford and we played football.
After lunch we had a history lesson. I don’t usually like history, but I liked this lesson very much. We learned about the Battle of Hastings in 1066. We were on holiday in Hastings last summer. I said I would bring some photographs of our holiday to school the next week.
At three o’clock it was time for my favourite lesson of the week: games. We played a very exciting game of football but it ended in a draw.
After school at four o’clock, Pete and I bought some sweets and I went to his house to listen to music.
Mum was angry because I didn’t arrive home till half past seven. She doesn`t like when I come home late. My supper was cold.
I did my French homework but I didn’t do my history homework. There was an interesting programme on television.
Task II: decide whether the following sentences are true or false, correct the false ones.
He had pancakes with caviar and cream for lunch.
He hates vegetables.
Simon liked a history lesson very much.
He played football with Pete Sharp and John Ford.
5. At two o’clock was his favourite lesson.
6. They played a very exciting game of cricket.
7. Simon went to Pete`s house to play computer games.
8. He did his math homework.
Task III: answer the following questions.
What is Simon`s favourite lesson?
Why was Simon`s mum angry?
Did he do his history homework? Why?
Напишите пожалуйста ответы на задания 2 , 3 , 4!
Заранее спасибо!
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